DIGITAL GOLD - Stability in the digital market

5 min readMar 27, 2021


With blockchain technology being integrated into our lives, new ideas are popping up every day. I continue to examine these ideas by selecting those with the skills to solve real problems for you. Today, I want to talk about a project about gold, which is a different area of investment, which is actually equated with Bitcoin. This project is called the GOLD Stablecoin, a crypto currency that is priced in gold.

Digital Gold as a platform is very attractive to me because it serves as one of the gateways to introduce cryptocurrency to mainstream investors. I’ve written a review on how to take advantage of the platform, its benefits, and the problems it solves.
As a person who strongly believes in the inherent potential of being a sustainable gold investment vehicle while serving as a hedge for cryptocurrency investors, I am researching new ways in which I can add value to the Digital Gold community.
As a first step, I c onducted basic SEO tests and a google search to determine the online visibility of the project.

Why is Gold Important?
Gold has been the most important method of protecting people’s assets from inflation or various concerns for thousands of years. Since gold is a metal that does not rust and is not affected by other effects, it is placed ahead of all other important metals thanks to this feature. Although it has gained value in other metals such as silver over time, silver loses most of this feature after darkening has occurred. In short, it is the number one tool hidden under the pillow in our country and protecting people’s assets throughout human history. Although a country’s currency can depreciate very quickly compared to the general condition of that country, the value of gold has continued to increase throughout history.

Learn more about Digital Gold

Digital Gold also serves as an anonymous and more efficient way to buy and invest gold without losing the monetary features of your investment, unlike conventional gold investing methods.

Digital Gold also has a native marketplace to facilitate unlimited purchases and exchanges and does not charge transfer fees. It uses secure technology to ensure investment security by ensuring that all interactions are processed on the Ethereum infrastructure via smart contracts.

What are the benefits of GOLD Stablecoin?

  • Gold never loses its value against inflation and protects your investment.
    Since gold is a physical product it is difficult to send and receive it, blockchain-based GOLD projects allow you to do this easily.
  • This is a product that is difficult to hide when it is wanted to be stored or stolen during the transport of gold, thieves who will enter your home or workplace can easily find it, but thanks to GOLD Stablecoin, such problems are now completely resolved.
  • You can buy or sell gold in seconds through the market area (
  • When you want to gift your gold, you can send it straight to your friend’s wallet in seconds and for a very low fee.

Why Do I Choose GOLD Stablecoins?
As you know, the dollar used to be a gold-based currency, but the American economy could no longer contain inflation, and gold support was withdrawn and the way to print unlimited dollars was opened. As you know, an unlimited currency is destined to devaluate and disappear in the face of inflation. As a result of this infinite print, the dollar has lost its value against gold in recent years and this is one of the main reasons underlying the economic crisis we have had recently. You work, work, and make money, even though the amount you earn is the same, the amount of money you actually make continues to decrease and your purchasing power gradually weakens. That’s why GOLD Stablecoins can protect you and your savings.

DigitalGold support
DIGITAL GOLD is supported by real-time real gold, thus providing DIGITAL GOLD stability in the digital market. 1 GOLD is equivalent to 1 gram of 99.99% pure gold. The first 7200 GOLD was minted on 5 June 2019 and each GOLD token is 100% backed by physical gold stored in secure vaults.
At any time, the amount of real gold can be verified here
As seen above, GOLD token liquidity is guaranteed.

Positive Impact And Property Marketing.
Gold is a soft metal, but it melts at a temperature of 1,065 two С. Many of the harder metals have lower melting points. Furthermore, gold is an excellent conductor of electrical and thermal energy. Of course, you may not find many heating radiators made of gold, but they are often used as coatings for electronic contacts.

Gold is surprisingly ductile: an ounce (less than 30 grams) of this steel can be stretched into a piece of wire 80 kilometers long and is ten times thinner than a strand of human hair. Natural gold thread is used for embroidery and weaving.
The density of gold is also high, although it is no longer the most dense metal. One kilogram of gold is a ball about 4.5 centimeters in diameter.
The amount of gold as big as a matchbox was enough to cover the entire tennis court. In theory, 1 gram of pure gold can be turned into a semitransparent sheet (turquoise if you point it toward the light), which is one square kilometer.

Being soft, gold is a challenge for body wear. If you wear a high carat gold ring all your life, it will become twice as thin after a few decades.
Human skin does not absorb gold, but wool can collect the particles. There is a story about a French cashier who always used new wool when counting gold coins. At home, he would burn them in a frying pan — and end up collecting many grams of the precious metal.
Users are free to withdraw their due diligence by verifying the BullionStar overnight audit report. Thus, the audit documents of the 1/3 birthday party are issued every three months, for that reason confirming the price of gold stored.


In short, this project solves two basic problems at once. It facilitates the transfer of gold by appearing on a highly transparent blockchain network, and also ensures that your money remains valuable by preventing your investment from losing value in the face of inflation. I think this is a great solution that can shed light on the future. You can reach me through my contact address to exchange more ideas about this project. You can use the following link below for a closer look. Greetings..

More Information on DigitalGold:

Telephone number: +852 800931931
Gold Marketplace:
White Paper:

Author: Gedang_goreng
►Eth: 0xEf8631B86407150685DBb0186A6f840C71119E56

